Gini Steinke – Executive Director
In 2005 the need for ovarian cancer education and awareness was growing in our community. Local medical professionals and ovarian cancer survivors were invited to see if there was an interest to form an organization that would target ovarian cancer awareness. In April, a small group of nine women joined around a table at Renee’s Survivor Shop to discuss the need and toss around ideas on how we would get the word out. Four short months later we hosted our first Awareness Walk and plans for a golf outing were underway.
Since that day over a decade ago it has become my passion to grow the OCC through education, awareness and major fundraisers, but most importantly the opportunity to help women fighting ovarian cancer. It’s an honor to provide support, community resources and financial assistance to these women. Without the full backing from our community, our volunteers and the precious board members, the Ovarian Cancer Connection could not have made such an impact in our community in such a short period of time. Thank you!
Volunteer Board Members

Joan Drzewiecki – Board President
My Ovarian Cancer was discovered by accident. With the good care provided by my GYN-Oncologist, Dr. Garth Phibbs, nursing personnel, the oncology nurses and support from my family and friends I have been very fortunate and am now an eight year survivor. I thank God every day. Therefore, I feel very compelled to pay it forward. Through various experiences and my support group I learned about the Ovarian Cancer Connection (OCC).
I am fully supportive of the mission of the OCC. Actively raising awareness, educating the community, providing assistance and advocating for testing and early diagnosis is my way to pay it forward. As a survivor and board member, I am in my small way, attempting to accomplish the mission of the OCC through various events and on-going efforts to reach out to the community. To quote Katy Perry — “You’re going to hear me ROAR.”

Amy Creque Stone
In honor and memory of my mom, who was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer at the age of 49, I am proud to be involved and spread the cause of the Ovarian Cancer Connection. My family participated in the first ovarian cancer walk at Oak Openings Metropark right alongside my mom – the beginning of truly making a difference. It was important to my mom that women listen to their bodies and be familiar enough with symptoms to know when something needs to be investigated.
Spreading awareness by “Teeing Off for Teal” is something close to my heart as my mom loved to golf. The outing is held in June every year. Ovarian cancer has touched so many of my friends and family and I continue to fight for all of them in the hope that a diagnostic test and ultimately a cure can be discovered.

Jeanne Wingate – Survivor
As an 18 year survivor of Ovarian Cancer, the mission of the OCC is my passion for educating and raising awareness of the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer to the community. The OCC also offers an amazing Financial Assistance Program for our survivors who are in treatment and experiencing a financial need. The OCC Board Members have been a source of support and encouragement to myself and we passionately work side by side planning events throughout the year including our signature event, the Annual Ellen Jackson Walk in September. The ladies that I have met through these events over the years, including the “Let’s Talk it Ovar” Support Group, are friendships that I will cherish forever!

Luanne Strow – Secretary
I first became aware of the Ovarian Cancer Connection in 2010 when I participated in my first OCC walk following the completion of my own treatment for ovarian cancer. I received a Stage 3C diagnosis in 2007 after months of silent symptoms that I attributed to the onset of menopause. I am extremely blessed to be a survivor. After seeing and hearing about the work of the OCC and its mission, I knew I wanted to be a part of this organization.
So it was with great pleasure and excitement that I joined the Board of Directors of the Ovarian Cancer Connection in 2017. Through the OCC, I am able to participate in outreach to spread awareness of the signs and symptoms of the disease. This has been a passion of mine. I’m also able to take part in fundraising activities to help with the OCC’s financial assistance programs. This organization continues to do amazing work to support women fighting ovarian cancer.

Kathy Mannon
In honor and memory of both my Mom and my Grandma, I became involved with the Ovarian Cancer Connection as a productive way to deal with grief. Both of these influential ladies in my life didn’t discover their disease until it was Stage 4, because we just didn’t know the symptoms. I’m passionate about changing that – because knowledge is power, and nobody can advocate more for your body than you can.
I am proud to have organized the Mary Lou Davis Memorial Glow roll, which is a really fun family night bike ride in August. Mom would have loved it – the opportunity for families to come together with silly contests about best decorated helmet, best decorated bike, and best team theme would have made her happy. Family was her priority, and a family event honors her well. Funds raised at this event help support the Financial Assistance Program for our survivors. Since I learned from Mom and Gram’s example of supporting others, this is the perfect way to honor the 2 of them.
Devanie (Dev) Doran
Diagnosed in October of 2018 with Stage IIIC ovarian cancer. It returned in July of 2021 and March of 2023. I am currently in remission. After attending the Survivor Luncheon in 2022 and listening to members of the Board talk about their mission, I decided to join the Board in order to help others dealing with this sometimes unknown (or not talked about) disease. I am so glad I did. What an amazing journey it has been with an amazing group. The members of the Board are dedicated to raising awareness of ovarian cancer and helping with financial aid to as many women as we can with gynecological cancers. We have several fund raisers throughout the year, please join us in one or all of them.
I also started attending the LTIO meetings on a regular basis after retiring last year. The meetings are informative and a great place to share concerns and hope. I didn’t know how much I needed the support of others who understood what I was going through until I joined LTIO. I continue to look forward to the meetings and seeing old and new friends. Please consider joining us if you get a chance.