A National Awareness Campaign for Ovarian Cancer


Turn The Towns Teal® is a National Campaign to create awareness of ovarian cancer, its subtle symptoms and risk factors.  Our volunteers tie our ribbons (which are made in the USA!) primarily in town centers and providing stores, health clubs, spas libraries, etc., with symptom cards and information pertaining to ovarian cancer.  We do this in September, which is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.  The ribbons go up on or about September 1st and are taken down no later than September 30th.

The is NO EARLY DETECTION TEST for ovarian cancer which is why we NEED communities to be aware of the disease, its often subtle symptoms and risk factors.  If detected in the early stages, the survival rate for ovarian cancer is 90 – 95%, which is why this awareness campaign is so very, very critical.

This will be our 16th year of raising awareness and saving women’s lives.  Please visit our website (www.turnthetownsteal.org) to see our campaign at work.  Fifteen years ago, we had about 20 volunteers in New Jersey.  Now, we have been represented in all 50 states, and thousands of women, men and children throughout the USA “Teal” their towns and private properties, as well as their homes.

Thanks to the support of towns & cities like yours, we KNOW for a fact that women’s lives ARE being saved through this campaign!


Download, complete and return this form to join the campaign in your town